Overview Airstrike Russia Jan 31 Eyes on the skies The dangerous and sustained impact of airstrikes on daily life in Myanmar
Hate Speech TFGBV Women in politics Harassment Jan 27 Digital Battlegrounds: Politically motivated abuse of Myanmar women online Against the backdrop of increasing political repression, gaps in accountability by social media platforms operating in Myanmar, and...
Places of Worship Sagaing Monk Jan 20 Buddhist monk and a teacher found dead in Monastery basement Warning Graphic: Retaliatory attacks, fire, and fatalities in Da Pa Yin Kwe village, Sagaing
Civilians Rohingya IDPs Jan 16 Rohingya villages a battleground for military clashes Clashes lead to civilian casualties in Buthidaung township
Chin Airstrike Jan 14 Myanmar Military air strikes at Camp Victoria CNF base on the India-Myanmar border targeted, allegedly impacting Indian sovereign territory.
Sagaing Elderly Victims Fire Jan 12 Following a fire trail Attacks in Sar Htone and Htan Zin village tracts in early December
Atrocity Moso Burnt bodies Kayah Dec 21 The Moso Christmas Eve Massacre (Mini-doc) One year on from the horrific massacre, watch the Myanmar Witness mini-doc video investigation.
Retaliation Sagaing Khin-U Clearance Operations Fire Dec 20 Retaliatory fires after SAC convoy is ambushed Local resistance in Khin-U township
Civilians Rakhine Shelling Children Dec 12 SAC shelling in Rakhine State kills and wounds civilians including children An attack on Gyit Chang Village, Maungdaw Township
Retaliation Rakhine Landmines AA Dec 7 Retaliatory attack in Sin Inn Gyi Village attacked after SAC food convoy hits landmine
Civilians IDPs Sagaing Human Shields Fire Dec 6 Shot in the Back An investigation into the killing of civilians in Myinmu
Detention Places of Worship Threats Magway Video Yesagyo Fire Dec 2 Thirsting for blood A glimpse into the minds of Myanmar military soldiers waging war on civilian communities