In The Press

Research underlines need for combating technology facilitated GBV

በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ አማካይነት ሴቶች ላይ የሚደርስ ጥቃት መጨመሩ ጥናት አሳየ

በቴክኖሎጂ የተደገፉ ሴቶች ላይ ያነጣጠሩ ጥቃቶች መስፋፋታቸውን አንድ ጥናት አመለከተ

News: Research exposes normalization of gender-based online violence against women in Ethiopia

Ethiopia - Esat Amharic News May 9 2024

ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሴቶች ከወንዶች እና ሌሎች ማንነቶች በበለጠ በማኅበራዊ ሚዲያ የጥላቻ ንግግር ያስተናግዳሉ - ጥናት

ግንቦት 01 የምሽት ዜናዎች - NBC ማታ ቀጥታ ሥርጭት | Live | Ethiopia

Drones changed this civil war, and linked rebels to the world

“Maisons pillées, puits détruits, bétail volé” : la guerre aux portes d’El-Fasher, dernier bastion de l’armée soudanaise au Darfour

The Washington Post wins Centre for Information Resilience Open Source Film Award for Uvalde coverage

Pictures that show Sudan city wiped out by civil war

Increasing number of villages torched across Sudan shows conflict is intensifying - report

I went to secret schools during the first Taliban rule - how many more years will Afghan girls lose?

Public executions and torture: ‘The Taliban have reverted to their true nature’

Pro-Russia X Accounts Tout Zuma's South African Party, CIR Says

Burnings and beheadings: Myanmar junta escalates terror tactics against its people

Huge and secretive prison expansion in Myanmar revealed by satellite images

Chinese-Supplied Jet Linked to Junta's Deadly Church Bombing

La represión obliga a los militares birmanos a multiplicar la capacidad de la mitad de sus cárceles

Churches, temples and monasteries regularly hit by airstrikes in Myanmar, activists say