TFGBV in Ethiopia
Researching technology-facilitated gender-based violence
As personal and public lives are increasingly played out on the internet and through social media, a new frontier in the fight against gender-based violence has emerged. Combatting TFGBV is an essential part of better-protecting women and girls online and empowering their safe and meaningful participation in all forms of public life.
The Centre for Information Resilience’s (CIR) research into TFGBV in Ethiopia signals that women and girls in Ethiopia suffer from several different types of TFGBV. These include hate speech, revenge pornography, and harassment. Many participants at CIR's roundtables and workshops in Addis Ababa cited the lack of data as a key issue preventing TFGBV from being addressed. CIR's research aims to help fill this gap.
The project aims
Strengthen the evidence base on TFGBV in Ethiopia.
Better inform government institutions, civil society organisations (CSOs), social media companies, and the general public about TFGBV in Ethiopia.
Empower CSOs and government institutions in Ethiopia with practical recommendations on addressing TFGBV.
The research
This recommendations document is the product of discussions at roundtables and workshops in Addis Ababa and virtually. The recommendations come directly from those working on human rights in Ethiopia. Several initiatives are already underway to combat TFGBV or related harms. Where appropriate, CIR has spotlighted them throughout the recommendations document.
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Inflammatory Keyword Lexicon
CIR developed a lexicon comprised of inflammatory keywords across four languages (Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrigna, and English) which may be indicative of hate speech along gendered, ethnic, and religious lines. CIR believes that this is the most comprehensive lexicon at present for the Ethiopian context. You can access this on CIR's Git Hub.
Academic Journal Article
The methodology featured in CIR's second report 'Normalised and Invisible' has been published in the 'Resources for African Indigenous Languages' Journal (May 2024).
Access it here.
The conference
On 9 May 2024, the Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Centre, the Ethiopian Women's Human Rights Defenders Network and CIR held a conference in Addis Ababa to raise awareness about TFGBV in Ethiopia. This event sought to raise awareness and showcase the amazing work that Ethiopian organisations are already doing.
There were several components to the event, including the launch of CIR's research findings, a call to action led by EHRDC, an expert panel discussion and an exhibition of incredible projects that are already ongoing.