Meet the men burning down Sudan – تعرف على الرجال الذين يحرقون السودان.
The civil war in Sudan, a conflict between the RSF and SAF, analysed using open source investigative techniques (OSINT).
Sudan Witness was launched in April 2023, and monitors, analyses, verifies, and archives information pertaining to human rights interferences and conflict incidents in Sudan’s current conflict. By doing so, the project is able to provide reliable information to stakeholders including humanitarian, media, and advocacy initiatives, as well as to justice and accountability mechanisms holding perpetrators to account. The project focuses its efforts on the whole of Sudan, looking into topics such as armed group activity, civilian impact, infrastructural damage, village fires, conflict-related sexual violence, and hate speech and inflammatory language.
The civil war in Sudan, a conflict between the RSF and SAF, analysed using open source investigative techniques (OSINT).
The Sudan Shahid map is a collaborative effort between the Centre for Information Resilience, C4ADS and the Sudan Human Rights Hub to monitor the violence in Sudan documented by our teams and partners.
The Map of Fires in Sudan is an effort of Sudan Witness to provide a visual display of data the project collected and verified on villages targeted with fire in Sudan, primarily the Darfur region.